So, what makes the long head of the triceps so important? When gym goers exercise their triceps, they aren't always educated on the various heads the triceps are made of. This knowledge of muscle anatomy can really affect your overall muscle growth and value you get from your workouts. When you understand the different parts muscles are made of, and how to better activate them, you can start to really grow each one faster and more effective.
Before we dive into the importance and the best exercises to grow the long head of the tricep, we should understand the anatomy and the different sections it's made of first.
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Tricep Anatomy
The tricep, as most of you know, is part of the arm. Not only is it part of it, but it actually makes up two thirds of your entire arm. Which is pretty significant. Especially considering that when most people want to build massive arms, they usually go to the biceps first. Now having big biceps definitely will make your arms look big, but the real mass is in the triceps.
The tricep is made up of three heads: The long head, Lateral head, and the Medial head. Now that might now seem so important, the tricep is just a tricep right? Well, if you want to grow them optimally, it helps to know the difference. So, if the tricep makes up two thirds of the arm, them which part of the tricep is the biggest? That would be no other than, the Long Head.
Why is the Tricep Long Head important?
A study performed by Ritsumeikan University and the National Institute of Fitness and Sports in Kanoya showcased by The Manuel compares two popular tricep exercises: Cable Pushdown and Overhead tricep extension. They took 14 individuals, 7 men and 7 women, all around the age of 23. Twice a week for 12 weeks each individual performed 5 sets of 10 reps of each exercise, but they only performed one of the two exercises for each arm individually. After the 12-week evaluation they concluded that both exercises resulted in a similar increase in strength, but the Overhead Tricep Extension provided a 40% increase in mass in comparison to Cable Pushdown. The reason is believed to be because the overhead tricep extension is more long head focused. Since the movement fully lengthens it in the process, it is targeted more so than during the cable pushdown exercise. Resulting in greater overall mass, proving that the long head of the tricep is the most important of the three heads in contributing to overall size.
The Only Long Head Tricep Exercises You Need
Now I'm not saying to never exercise your lateral and medial heads ever again, they're still very important in contributing to the overall size of your triceps and arms. But since the long head makes up so much of your tricep, then it definitely should be targeted in your workouts. Now let's take a look at the best long head tricep exercises to grow some massive arms!
1. Dips
Summary: Dips are an extraordinary exercise for the upper body and a great compound movement for the triceps when done upright. It doesn't isolate the long head entirely, but it is a great movement for overall tricep strength and upper body development. If standard dips are too difficult you can use a dip assist machine or utilize resistant bands for assistance. If you can perform 20 reps or more with ease, then you can add weight to increase difficulty and overload the triceps.
Muscles Worked: Chest, Triceps, Front Deltoids, Lats
Type: Compound
Difficulty: Advanced
How To Do It:
Start by jumping onto the dip bar with your arms fully extended and wrists straight or slightly bent. Cross your legs and bend them slightly back.
While keeping your body upright, and elbows tucked by your sides, lower yourself until your arms make a 90-degree angle.
Push yourself back to starting position with your arms fully extended, squeezing your triceps at the top.
Repeat until failure.
When To Do It: Perform towards the beginning of your Chest and Tricep or Arm workout after you have warmed up, when you have the most energy.
Sets and Reps: Standard dips: Until failure Assisted/Weighted dips: 8-12 reps.
2. Close Grip Bench Press
Summary: The close grip bench press is another great compound lift for the upper body. When performing with a narrower grip (Slightly inside shoulder width) it incorporates the use of the triceps more. Making it a great exercise to overload and increase strength in all three tricep heads. It's also a great movement to increase your standard bench press strength.
Muscles Worked: Triceps, Chest, Shoulders
Type: Compound
Difficulty: Intermediate
How To Do It:
Using a flat bench, load the bar with a moderate weight that you can control.
Lay flat on the bench, with your shoulder's blades pinched together and pushed down, lower back slightly arched, and your feet firmly planted on the floor.
Grab the bar with your hands placed slightly inside of shoulder width, keeping your wrists straight or slightly bent.
Un-rack the bar and while keeping your elbows tucked to your sides, lower the bar until it touch's your middle chest or hovers slightly above.
Press the weight back up until your arms are fully extended and locked out, squeezing your triceps at the top.
When To Do It: Towards the beginning of your Chest and Tricep workout after warming up.
Sets and Reps: 4-5 sets of 8-10 reps.
3. Cable Kickbacks
Summary: Cable kickbacks are one of the best long head tricep exercises you can do. Between the constant tension on your muscle and full extension of the arm, cable exercises are my personal favorite for training the tricep long head. It also keeps stress off of the elbows and shoulders.
Muscles Worked: Triceps (Long head focused)
Type: isolation
Difficulty: Easy
How To Do It:
Start by attaching a handle attachment (I prefer to just use the ball attached to the cable) and lower it to slightly below your hip height.
Select a light weight that you can control.
Facing the cable, bend down until your back is almost at a 90-degree angle, bend slightly at the knees, and use your free hand to stabilize yourself.
Grab the cable (using an underhand or neutral grip), keep your arm high and stationary, and pull the cable back until your arm is fully extended, squeezing your tricep at the end.
Bring back slowly to starting position and repeat.
When To Do It: Beginning of your Arm workout to warm up the triceps or later in your workout after a compound lift.
Sets and Reps: 5 sets of 12-15 reps.
4. Overhead Cable Extension
Summary: Another great isolating cable exercise. The overhead cable extension also stretches the long head nicely. With the constant tension pulling down on your triceps it forces them to be engaged for the entirety of the movement. It Utilizes both arms at the same time so that you can lift more weight and overload that long head more.
Muscles Worked: Triceps (Long head focused)
Type: isolation
Difficulty: easy
How To Do It:
Use a low cable machine and a rope attachment.
Select a light weight that you can control.
Bend down to grab the rope (Right hand to left side of rope and left hand to right side of rope). Then stand up and turn your body, uncross your arms and bring them behind your head until you're facing away from the cable machine.
Place one foot firmly in front of the other standing straight up.
While keeping your elbows tucked close to your body, extend your arms fully above your head, squeezing your triceps at the top.
Lower the rope until your arms are bent passed 90 degrees, letting the rope stretch your tricep all the way down.
When To Do It: Middle to end of your Arm or Chest and Tricep workout.
Sets and Reps: 4-5 sets of 10-12 reps.
5. EZ Bar Skull Crushers
Summary: If you prefer lifting some cold steel over cables, then EZ bar skull crushers is the exercise for you. These can be done in two variations: On an incline or flat. If you are really looking to target the long head, then the incline variation might be better. It allows for a greater stretch, providing more activation. But both isolate the overall tricep equally. (Can be substituted with dumbbells as well)
Muscles Worked: Triceps (Long head focused)
Type: Isolation
Difficulty: Easy
How To Do It:
Load a moderate amount of weight onto an EZ bar.
Lay on flat or incline bench, feet planted, holding the weight directly over your head, with hands slightly inside of shoulder width apart.
Keeping your elbows tucked in, lower the bar behind your head, fully stretching the tricep
Push the weight back up to starting position until your arms are fully extended, squeezing your triceps at the top.
When To Do It: Towards the beginning of your Arm or Chest and Tricep workout.
Sets and Reps: 4 sets of 8-12 reps.
Now since you understand how important the long head really is and you know the best long head tricep exercises for growth, you can start to implement these into your workouts. Here are two examples of how these can be added into your current routines or if you're just looking to get started.
Arm Workout (Biceps and Triceps)
Barbell Curl- 4 x 8-10 reps
Dips- 4 sets until failure
DB Hammer Curls- 5 x 10-12
Tricep Superset-
EZ Bar Skull Crushers-
4 x 8
Cable Kickbacks- 4 x 10-15
Cable Curls- 5 x 10-15
Rope Pushdowns- 4 x 8-12
Zottman Curls- 4 x 8-12
Push Workout (Chest, Triceps, Shoulders)
Close Grip Bench Press-
4 x 8-10
DB Shoulder Press- 4 x 8-10
Overhead Cable Extension-
5 x 10-12
DB Pec Flies- 5 x 10-15
Incline Cable Flies- 5 x 10-15
DB Front Delt Raises-
4 x 10-12
Cable Bar Pushdowns-
5 x 8-12
Incline DB Press- 4 x 8-12
DB Shrugs- 5 x 8-12
Now you should have everything you need to grow your long head and start building some massive triceps! Remember to always incorporate at least one of these isolation exercises in your tricep workouts to start seeing growth.
Here's a recap of the only long head tricep exercises you need:
Close Grip Bench Press
Cable Kickbacks
Overhead cable extension
EZ bar Skull Crushers
If you found this information helpful or have any questions about the exercises and workouts listed, feel free to leave a comment or question.
Now go give these exercises a try!